January 2025 – Rosemary Saad

I Haven’t Been Paid for Work I Did, and There’s No Contract! What Can I Do?

Not being paid for work you’ve completed can be a frustrating and stressful experience – especially when there’s no formal contract in place.

However, you may still have legal options, including making a quantum meruit claim.

Quantum meruit is a Latin phrase meaning “what one has earned.” It allows a person to seek payment for services or work performed, even when no formal agreement exists, or when the original agreement is void.

A quantum meruit claim does not require proof of a contract, you just need to show that:

  1. you performed work for the other party;
  2. the work was performed at their request; and
  3. the value of the work was reasonable.

If you are in any of these situations, you may still be able to claim quantum meruit:

  • The contract defines the work but not the price or payment method.
  • You performed extra work requested but not included in the original agreement.
  • The contract is void, unenforceable, or terminated, but work was completed.
  • A lump-sum payment was agreed upon for full completion, but only partial work was done.
  • The arrangement was informal, like a “heads of agreement,” with no binding contract.

If you’re owed money for work performed and need assistance recovering payment, contact us at Harris Freidman Lawyers. Our experienced team can help you explore your options and achieve the best outcome.